Monday, July 8, 2013

Walk Therapy

I started my Walk Therapy modality. When I brought up the idea of walking and talking to a new, somewhat therapy-resistant client, she jumped at the idea. We met at a local park, and sat in my air-conditioned car while she signed consent forms and then we discussed safety and liability. Once the forms were completed, we set out on foot to talk it out.

She laughed, she cried, she opened up and we made some baby steps toward progress. It went by very quickly and after we ended the session, my new patient expressed positive feedback about the experience. I encouraged on-going feedback, especially if something wasn't working. I also told her it may get worse before it gets better.

There is something very healing about being outdoors. Even in the heat of summer, the fresh air and movement does wonders for our minds and bodies. The feeling of moving forward is a great way to begin the process of getting unstuck. Putting one foot in front of the other seems so simple, but it can be very difficult for someone who is depressed or anxious. Being in our homes, and often sitting in one place for hours when depressed or anxious only seems to amplify the feelings of hopelessness. Conversely, being out in nature and walking is empowering. Being a witness to the beauty all around you may bring about feelings of well-being, if only for a short time. And, the endorphins that are released during movement are healing for body and soul.

Others do not know that therapy is in session. We are only walking and talking. We've discussed what we will do if a familiar face rounds the curve: we will say hello and keep walking. 

I am very excited to be offering this "ground-breaking" therapy modality to my clients. I know there will be people for whom Walk Therapy is not appropriate and I will also offer the more traditional "sit therapy."

Walking the talk...

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